Durban Internationl Music Festival - Gives Xenophobia The BOOT!
The Durban International Music festival was held during the 8th annual "celebrate Durban" (halala eThekwini) event, culminating in Heritage Day on Friday 24th of September. This event featured both local and international acts. Coza TV spoke to the legendary Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Lira, hiphop artist HHP and Ernie Smith.

The 31st Durban Internationl Film Festival
22/07/10 - 02/08/10
The Durban International Film Festival is only THE greatest cinematic experience South Africa has to offer. So you simply just can't afford to miss our highlights series on the festival, presented by our world-class host, Ted Cipolla. We've got interviews with stacks of celebs, including Presley Chweneyagae from the Academy Award winning film, Tsotsi, and dozens of film excerpts... all packed into 5 explosive episodes. Coza TV film critic, The Hakar-G, posted some reviews of films shown at the festival here>>

The 21st Splashy Fen music festival
01/04/10 - 05/04/10
Held on the Splashy Fen farm a few kilometres from Underberg, the annual Splashy Fen music festival has no rival for its beautiful setting, amazing atmosphere and extraordinary musicians.
This year's festival was no excpetion with good weather, bigger crowds than ever before and a performance from none other than PRIME CIRCLE. Ard Matthews, lead singer of Just Jinjer, gave a moving acoustic rendition of What He Means and Durban band, Tree Houses On The Sea (T.H.O.T.S.) blew the crowd away, with what they term "THOTS Sound". More at splashyfen.co.za>>